Quick GRITS Podcast
Quick GRITS (Getting Real In Talking Science) is a podcast of short episodes that provide listeners with a quick, entertaining look into the lives of biologists and what they study. Episodes can be downloaded here
Episode 1: Frog Sex
May 2020- Kerry Cobb (Auburn Univ.) talks about the world of frog sex
Kerry Cobb ( GitHub ) is a PhD student at Auburn University. Kerry completed B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum , after which he began his Ph.D. at Auburn. He studies the evolution of reproductive isolation using toads as his model sstem, and is broadly interested in the natural forces that cause speciation. In this episode, we discuss the diversity of frog life history strategies; see all of his publications here .
Quick GRITS Podcast
Quick GRITS (Getting Real In Talking Science) is a podcast of short episodes that provide listeners with a quick, entertaining look into the lives of biologists and what they study. You can stream episodes on Spotify here<\a> or download them here.