Getting Real In Talking Science

Quick GRITS Podcast

Quick GRITS (Getting Real In Talking Science) is a podcast of short episodes that provide listeners with a quick, entertaining look into the lives of biologists and what they study. Episodes can be downloaded here

Episode 6: Surreal Ciliates Part 1

February 2022- Dr. Rebecca Zufall (Univ. of Houston) talks about what ciliates are (their looks, genomic architecture, and life history) and where you can find them in part 1 of a 3-part conversation.

Rebecca Zufall ( website ) is an associate professor in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry the University of Houston. Before this position, she obtained her bachelor's degree at Cornell, a PhD at Duke, and did a post-doc at Smith College. In this episode, which is part 1 of a 3-part conversation, she discusses some of the characteristics of ciliates (including aspects of their life history and genomic architecture).